Dental Exams & X-rays

Receiving a dental exam and x-ray is a normal part of a patient’s regular dental visit. In fact, many would argue you cannot ensure good oral hygiene without attending these appointments. During your visit, your dentist will check for oral issues such as gum disease and cavities, as well as lesser-known health risks that could arise. For example, your dentist will check for any neck, face, and mouth abnormalities that may indicate future oral health complications.

Why is a Dental Exam Performed?

Dental exams and x-rays are performed because simply brushing and flossing is not always enough. During your visit, you will receive a cleaning that reaches crevices and corners that are hard to clean during your daily oral care routine. This can ultimately lead to the development of tooth decay without the implementation of adequate cleaning measures. Your dentist will also check for things like misalignment, gum health, and the health of your teeth’s roots.

When is a Dental Exam Performed?

It is recommended you visit the dentist for an exam twice a year or every 6 months. Some dentists may differ on how often you should have x-rays, but the general consensus is once a year. This typically takes place during the same appointment for your dental exam.


In the months between exams, it is important to keep up with good oral health habits. This includes things like brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing once a day, and eating healthy foods, while avoiding foods that can promote tooth decay.

If you are nervous about going to the dentist, contact our dental clinic ahead of time and let them know your concerns. We will be especially careful and ensure you are comfortable when stop by for your visit.


There are a few things that will happen during your appointment. During your dental exam your dentist will complete the following:

  • A check of your overall oral health
  • Remove stains or calcium deposits on teeth
  • Remove plaque and tartar
  • A check for any tooth decay, gum and bone disease
  • Confirm patient is following proper cleaning techniques
  • Confirm proper alignment with the teeth and jaw
  • A check for any tooth replacement or restoration needs
  • Possible fluoride treatment

If you have any questions about receiving a dental cleaning at our dental clinic, give us a call and we will be happy to answer them for you. Give us a call today!

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